Releases WordPress

🔎WordPress 5.3: Few screenshots of what is coming in the next release

Note added on Monday 21 Oct 2019:

The changes are now available for testing in WP 5.3 Release Candidate 1. I published two posts related to these changes on The first one is listing all the CSS changes coming in 5.3 and the second one is a report of the tests made on the top 20+ plugins on repository.

As one of the release focus leads of WordPress 5.3, I can’t resist to post a (very-very) small preview of what is coming in that release, which is scheduled for November 12th 2019!

More than 400 tickets were closed for WP 5.3 beta 1. It’s definitely going to be a huge release. In this post, let’s highlight some screenshots!

🎨New admin design for a better accessibility and consistency with the block editor

That was the biggest part where I was involved, with 6 epic tickets handled by both WordPress Accessibility and Design team, to backport some styles from Gutenberg editor to WP-Admin.

A better accessibility and a better consistency for a better admin experience!

(click images to open them in a modal pop’in)

Dashboard screen
Plugins screen
Menu Screen
Media Library screen
Settings screen
Attachment edit screen

🧱Gutenberg block editor evolution

The block editor evolutions are just incredible! Those screenshots are only a very-very-very small preview of Gutenberg features coming in WordPress 5.3!

New column block layout feature!
Live management of column block layout
Add everything you want to the cover image block
Social icons block

🤙Say hello to Twenty Twenty!

More screenshots to come!

Edited on October 21, 2019:
I finally use it for my personal website!

This website is currently using Twenty Twenty. It’s looking good isn’t it!? I love this new theme 🙂 

Customizer screen

WordPress Core Developer John James Jacoby is already using it in this blog, so you could also directly see it in action!

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