Hi, I’m currently the CTO of Whodunit WordPress Agency.
I’m a WordPress Core Committer and I’m currently one of the two WordPress Core Team Representatives.

I led a dozen of minor releases and I was the Documentation Lead of WP 5.3 and WP 5.7, the Accessibility Lead of WP 5.3 and WP 5.5, and the Triage Lead of WP 5.9 and 6.1.
I’m currently the Tech Lead of WordPress 6.2.

I coordinated the development of the WP Auto-updates project, which shipped Theme & Plugins automatic updates in WordPress 5.5, and Core automatic updates in WP 5.6.

I represented the accessibility team of the CMS during two years, I maintain Widgets, Menus and Upgrade/Install core components and I’m one of the 4 French General Translation Editors.

 scroll down to see my latest posts

Disable Block Editor default FullScreen mode in WordPress 5.4

Scheduled for March 31, 2020, WordPress 5.4 will enable FullScreen mode by default in the Block Editor / Gutenberg. Even if I’m fully involved in WordPress version 5.4 –as a member of the release squad– I have to admit I’m […]

🚹Get Slack notifications when your WordPress website is down

Since version 5.2, we now have a native recovery mode in WordPress. The feature automatically triggers itself when your website is down, mostly because of some PHP fatal errors. When your website is in recovery mode, an email is sent […]

[FR] 📊2019, retour sur une annĂ©e de contribution au projet WordPress

C’est la fin de l’annĂ©e et c’est le moment de tirer un trait sur 2019 (et accessoirement sur les annĂ©es 10!). C’est aussi le moment de faire le bilan de l’annĂ©e Ă©coulĂ©e, et cette annĂ©e je vais me concentrer sur […]

📱Gutenberg & Reusable Blocks. WordCamp Marseille talk synthesis

On November 29, I had the pleasure to give a conference at WordCamp Marseille 2019. I’d like to congratulate Long Hai and the entire organizing team and volunteers for the success of this event. Congrats because it is always a […]

🎹Use contextual Adminbar colors to differentiate your WordPress instances

How to visually differentiate WordPress instances to avoid editing the wrong website

[FR] 🎙WOA! L’Ă©pisode 1 de notre nouveau podcast WordPress est disponible

Avec une partie de l’Ă©quipe de l’agence Whodunit, nous avons dĂ©cidĂ© de nous lancer dans la rĂ©alisation de podcasts. InitiĂ© par Eddy et Simon, ce format nous permet de discuter de WordPress de façon moins conventionnelle qu’avec le blog de […]

🌍Distribution of WordPress 5.3 contributors by country

Based on data collected from WordPress.org credits API and WordPress profiles. Please note that almost 35% of the contributors didn’t declared any location (country, state, county, city or any usable hint). Detailed table below. Download links: Vector – SVG – […]